Hope. That feeling of expectation that something certainly is going to happen. We trust ourselves when we say "I hope" as a way of not letting ourselves down. Sometimes it's hard to have hope if we see a situation looks bleak but I say don't ever lose hope because all is never lost.
This Christmas season carries with it the greatest HOPE ever to be offered to mankind. Crazy how the Creator of the universe used a little helpless Baby to restore Hope to our world. And that my friends is where my hope begins.
This crazy little dream of having a flower farm seemed like the most far fetched idea I've ever had. It was like the hope of a dream that seemed unreachable but yet here we are ending our second season with 3 times the sales we had in season 1. Yes, this little flower farm that could is thriving and it's all thanks to all of you who support what we do. My hope is that through the joy and beauty of these flowers- it gives you a sense of hope and peace and joy that you can share with others. There is very little I love more than talking flowers and plants and trees but I also love hearing the stories of others.
I do believe that flowers offer a sense of healing in a language we do not have to understand. Whether through sight, smell, or touch it's a language we can all speak. And when we share the gift of flowers with others it's always understood. Ever given somebody flowers? How did they respond? Have you ever gotten flowers? How did you respond? My guess would be a smile, maybe tears, or maybe a thank you (or you could be one of those who frowned but I would be surprised if you were reading this blog if you are). Ha. Ha.
Changing lanes here, I want to throw out some winter tips. If you are one of those who clean your landscape up in the cold, consider leaving some of it for the wildlife. If you don't think it would matter do a little research. Leaves on the ground hide lots of wildlife-frogs and butterfly larvae just to name a couple. Leaving your flowers and plants with seed heads offer food for the birds in the winter. You won't lose my friendship whichever way you go but you might gain some new wildlife friends if you leave a little bit.
Well that's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon. Please feel free to comment. Have a great December and Merry Christmas!!!!!!