I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed working outside when the temps get above the mid to upper 80's. I despise sweating but that's all I seem to do anymore with this heat the way it is. Let's not talk about how the temp is even hotter in the high tunnel if I have work to do in there. It's hard for me to imagine that plants can live in that heat and thrive. I don't feel like I'm thriving but more like I'm melting.
What are good ways to beat the heat when it's hot like this? 1) Work outside right as the sun is coming up to help the most. No I don't enjoy getting up early but I do get out there early when I harvest our flowers because many of them just can't handle being harvested when it gets hot. 2) Work later in the day as the sun is going down. Yes, I do this as well. If I can't get all my flowers harvested in the morning I will go back in the evening to finish.3) Drink lots of water. It's very easy to get dehydrated when you are sweating so much from the heat as well as just the toll the heat takes on you when you are outside. Heat stroke is a real thing and is very scary. 4) Wear a hat. Preferably one that is lighter colored to keep sun off your face and reflect the sun-not sure my pinky purple hat is the best but I wear it anyway. It does keep the sun off so I don't get burned. 5) Wear your sunscreen unless you enjoy a sunburn. If you enjoy sunburns wear sunscreen anyway. Sunburns really are no fun and if you have ever had a blistering sunburn-yes it can really happen- you will be somewhat miserable. So, wear your sunscreen. 6) Take frequent breaks-don't overdo it. This will keep you away from a heat stroke or heat exhaustion. Taking a break doesn't make you lazy. It helps keep you safe so you can be there for the people who love you. That's about all I have-except one of my church family did recommend a neck fan since he mows yards-he said he had ordered one. I think I may do just that tonight. Thanks for the suggestion Jerry! If you have a suggestion to beat the heat please add a comment on our blog. We would love to hear your creative way to beat the heat.
As far as what is blooming this month-our zinnias just started last week. A few varieties of our dahlias have been blooming. Our little field of sunflowers should take off soon. I have been harvesting our celosia. The Little Limelight Hydrangeas have just started to bloom-it will still be a few weeks before we harvest them though-they like to be fully bloomed to hold maximum vase life. We have some Frosted Explosion Grass, too. And some snapdragons. This week we will harvest the last of our feverfew and bupleurum until next year. Sad, but I've enjoyed them both. In the next couple of days I will buckle down and work on some of our planning for fall planting and ordering some things for that as well. Is there something you would like to see us grow? Shoot us a comment below. Thanks for reading the blog y'all!! See you next time!